42 Replies to “Fields of Battle : Friday Night Fights

    1. Unfortunately there is no visible leaderboard for players for Friday Night Fights yet. Hopefully we can add that in the future.

    1. Bet I’d beat you! I always place in the top two of every event! It’d be nice if you could play other players and have teams and stuff like real speedball.

  1. one code for ten dollars is YFKDTEBB another for the same amount is JABJRHXF for this game for coins and ammo i guess….

  2. what’s going on with fields of battle mobile? i can’t log in anymore. say error 404 can’t connect with server

    1. We had a server hardware failure today and are restoring it right now. It should be back up and running by tomorrow, Monday March 2, 2015. Sorry for the inconvenience.

  3. Love this game and am pretty high up but I have one question; what else (besides the racomre grand prize) can you win? (That is if there re is anything else besides coins lol) Btw, the name on the game is Deadpool521 so y’all probably see me around;)

  4. I downloaded this game today, when I try logging in, I can’t!!! 🙁 . it says ” username or password is incorrect ” no matter how many times I try. And im sure I gave correct info.
    Please help.

  5. I am having the same issue. I was logged out and the. When I tried to log back in it says my username/password is incorrect. I even tried resetting my password and I reviewed no email to reset it.

    1. We’re currently experiencing a problem with our server where the password reset emails can take a long time to deliver (up to a day). Very sorry for this inconvenience and we’re trying to resolve it. Don’t submit a password reset request more than once as every time you do it will reset the password. Eventually the password reset email will reach you, be sure to check your spam folders as well.

  6. Loving this game. It could really use a campaign to get new life into it. Since finding it I’m telling everyone. FoB2. That’s the jam. Hook it up. The nvidia shield was made for this game. 👍

  7. This has to be the best game for a cell phone app.. looking forward to the ps4 version .. but , some of these comments.. I guess I’m a Grammer nazi. The words and spelling. Seems some need to pay attention in school lol.. welp, curious to see how my first go at the Friday night Fights goes .. Again well done to the whole team involved in making this game . Amszing job.. every since I’ve injured my back, this brings back so great memories … miss that adrenaline rush .. the gang .

    1. Thanks! We actually have a lot of fans playing the game from all over the world (shout out to Brazil and Russia!), for many English is not their first language. We’re hard at work on the next game, I hope you like it even better!

  8. The most realistic First Person Shooter ever made. Is the grand prize for FN3 still $5,000?

  9. There should be a way you can form teams and compete against each other like in real speedball.

  10. How do u prestige cause im on max lvl 25 and idk what to do next cause im getting bored pls someone tell me how to prestige also my name is roro drippy so if u saw me thats great

    1. There isn’t an official way to “prestige” unless you want to delete the app from your device and start over on a new account. We’re working on updates and a sequel so we’ll have more for you to play!

  11. Do you win anything for Friday night fights? Or is it not active anymore? And if it is live, when do you post results?

    1. FNF is on hiatus for the moment (the events are still active every Friday but there are no prizes at the moment). FNF will be returning in two months with a new season of prizes every week.

  12. It’s Amanda Dickenson. I was wanting to know when you’re new game is going to come out and how much is it for an Xbox one?

    1. Well we’ve had some unexpected delays but we’re still definitely working on a new paintball game. The next release will be Fields of Battle 2 for mobile devices which we hope will be released before the end of 2018. The next console game, Greg Hastings Paintball 3, is still in the works but going to take some time. We’re working independently now with no publisher or major funding besides our residual revenue from the previous games, which gives us more creative freedom but also means we have to be leaner and things take longer.

  13. Is this fnf still going on. Unfortunately I just now got into the game of paintball, and been pretty active in the game for about 2 weeks now. Hopefully still going on and still giving those amazing prizes

  14. *FNF Final Event*
    Not sure how your score system works but, I had 80 kills with a max kill streak of 80. I didn’t die at all and I only got a score of 200 something. I know for sure my score should have been high 300’s or hit 400 something.
    Some of the people playing are getting 80 plus kills with only 30 or 40 max kills, and scoring in the low 300’s. Your system is rigged. I won the year event fair and square. The end.

    1. The bonus multiplier code is:
      if (nKillStreak >= 20) then
      elseif (nKillStreak >= 10) then
      elseif (nKillStreak >= 5) then
      So the maximum bonus multiplier is 4 after 20 kills. Having a really long kill streak doesn’t mean you will beat someone who has more ‘raw kills’.

      ALSO, very importantly, at the end of a round, if your team wins, you get a 25% bonus to your score (for that round) and if it loses, you get a 25% penalty to your score. This is the reason for the seeming discrepancy. The raw kills and kill streaks alone do not determine your final score.

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