Fields of Battle is now on STEAM, fully VR-capable! Plays great with Oculus, Vive, or a plain old monitor.
Independent video game developer since 1998!
Fields of Battle is now on STEAM, fully VR-capable! Plays great with Oculus, Vive, or a plain old monitor.
Xbox one ?
Any news on GHP 3????? I’ve been waiting for years
Unfortunately life got in the way and things have been delayed quite a bit. But we are still working, we hope to have a new game out before the end of this 2018.
Test comment
Anyting thats coming in 2018?
Yes! Currently working on Fields of Battle 2 which we hope to have out later this year.
Any thoughts of releasing a steam/VR/mobile version or sequel of Wild Earth ? Any future plan for the title ?
Yes, it’s definitely something I’ve been thinking about! Not sure if that will happen anytime soon but have some initial design docs already worked up.
Plz add new equipment in GHP 1 on mobiles..
I’m waiting about 3 years
Any idea of when a beta may come out?
If you mean Fields of Battle on Steam, it’s out now. Fields of Battle 2 should be in beta later this year.
I was more leaning towards Fields of Battle 2 mobile but I’ll just guess it’ll also come out later this year
Is ghp 3 coming
Working on it, no release date yet.
Is GHP 3 getting Closer

We just released an update for Fields of Battle and we are getting close to releasing Fields of Battle 2.
Its been about 4 years. Is it still going to be released?