16 Replies to “Greg’s Tour of Duty

    1. You earn a silver coin with every elimination you make, and by winning events. Currently the only way to get Gold Coins is to purchase them, but we are currently looking at other ways for players to each Gold coins.

  1. I also have spent to much and can’t get into any games to earn money any more if I could get a code (don’t bother for the code if update is coming soon)

  2. I have 4000 silver and 0 gold I have almost everything that costs sliver please there must be another way beside buying golds at least 1 gold per winning a game 3 for being first 2 for second 1 for third 😀

  3. I can’t play it. The game because I guess I’m in the u.s south Carolina and it want let me because I’m not in ur region ?

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