Fields of Battle now on Android and iOS


The wait is over, and Fields of Battle is now available for any Android device running 4.0 or above!

Get it for free at:

Already over 1,600 five star reviews on Android, so check it out! We’re constantly improving device compatibility, so if you have any issues getting the game to run, please let us know at

64 Replies to “Fields of Battle now on Android and iOS

  1. I downloaded this game on an iphone I had, worked perfectly fine, then on android and I cant even play a tutorial because it closes the app, maybe a little mistake there to Fix or just me.

  2. Downloaded game yesterday and it is fantastic and have no real complaints. Today though I went to lay and there are no games to join only the tutorial. The box where the rotating list of fields should be is there but no games to join or markers on the map. I deleted the app and reinstalled but it is no different. Can you please shed some light on this. I am running this on an iPad 2


    1. We should have a fix for this in the game in the next couple days, in the meantime I will shoot you an email with a link to some free coins.

  3. when I try to tap on button New account and after that I have tried to tap on field username or password it’s doing nothing. But when I have tried to tap on email-field it’s redirect me to main screen of login.

  4. Dear James, Hope this finds you well. Listen, this may be silly but an issue was stayed in mind for whatever reason and hoping to make amends with you. Am sure you completely forgot in one second, but I didn’t. Your excellent game with the African safari, I thought I was being so clever to tell you that the zebras all had the same stripes. Well of course they did. For them all to be random would require a computer than maybe the Pentagon has access too. You worked long and hard to develop the game and at expense. I don’t know if it paid off, sure hope it did, but maybe it did not and ended up in the bargain bin. Please forgive me for being wise guy. I enjoyed also your Desktop Dreamscapes that I got from you for the old XP machine, and you were always available when I had some question. Am sure you are a decent person and hard worker. Please enjoy health and also success in your co. Best, Paul Lapidus and Jean

    1. Paul, that’s so nice of you to take the time after so long. Honestly I don’t recall that but just the fact that you appreciated my work enough to take a moment to write me a message means much to me. I’m hoping to revisit Wild Earth soon, there’s still a lot more I’d like to do with the concept! Best of things to you as well.

    1. Unfortunately due to the massive variety of android devices we haven’t been able to test on all of them, especially ones like yours which are not available in the USA. I will add your device to the list of known incompatible devices but I’m not sure if or when we’ll be able to fix it. Many apologies.

      Malheureusement, en raison de l’énorme variété de dispositifs Android, nous n’avons pas pu tester sur chacun d’eux, en particulier ceux comme la vôtre qui ne sont pas disponibles aux États-Unis. Je vais ajouter votre appareil dans la liste des périphériques incompatibles connus mais je ne suis pas sûr si ou quand nous serons en mesure de le réparer. Beaucoup d’excuses.

    1. Click “New Account” and choose any username and password you want.

      Haga clic en “New Account” y elige un nombre de usuario y contraseña que usted desea.

  5. Dont know what happened but I can’t get into my old acct “Chin-TNB” did something now I’m in a new acct Chin-TNB-ATL” please help me. I tried uninstall n install to existing acct but passwords don’t work and when I get new password it’s for new acct PLEASE HELP

  6. Hello !
    I’m one of the game players how liked the game and have some suggestions for making the game much better .
    I really liked the game but I found that the money in it is so important as every thing depend on it , for example the gear needs money , outfits needs money , ammo needs money and even joining a battle needs money so the money mostly finishes quickly and it hard earned as the battles give you only little amount of money and leveling up doesn’t give you money .
    For that problem , specially that I can’t buy ammo and when I play a battle I don’t do thing except losing money because I can’t play well with firing one by one , I suggest to add a single playing which we can choose any place and mood we want and gain money with it , not like the tutorials .
    I hope you see my suggestion useful for making the game better and work on it .
    And thank you for the nice game .

  7. I was wondering if you could incorporate more speedball 10 vs. 10 elimination games more frequently. Also, it would be nice to have the aforementioned for the FNF matches.

  8. It would be pretty awesome to have some scenario games also. And I can’t wait until you guys get the private matches, etc. that I’ve heard rumors about.

    1. Just click “New Account” and select any username and password you want.

      Simplemente haga clic en “New Account” y seleccione cualquier nombre de usuario y la contraseña que desee.

        1. There’s a problem with the server, we’re looking into it now. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

          James Thrush
          Super X Studios LLC

          Get Fields of Battle FREE for Android and iOS!

  9. Dude! This game is awesome! Except for the past two days. What’s up with the server guys. I can’t even make a new account to login. I’m jones’n over here like a junkie that needs some crack! I need my fix of the PAINT! I gotta go hard in da paint brother….. Ahhhhhhhhhh! Really great game guy. Hope it’s up and running again soon. Thanks

  10. I was also wondering if you guys could add player game hosting. So like someone can rent/ buy a server with irl money or ingame coins and can choose any map and game type and player type.

  11. For two days there has been a problem with the server (9/11/15 am to 9/12/15@5:00 pm). I have contacted two known players and the can not log-in.

    Can’t you knock the “Hackers” off your site. They are making an industry out of selling hacks and ruining the site for other players. Ban them permanently without forgivenesses.

    Thank you for a great game.


    1. We had a server hard drive failure, it is in the process of being rebuilt and should be back up by early tomorrow (Sunday) morning. Apologies for the failure and be assured that we have a completely new server architecture developed for our next game that will eliminate these sort of interruptions. This has been a huge learning experience for us, and thank you for the kind words about the game!

      If you have any info or links to specific hacks/exploits can you please notify us as and we’ll investigate. We keep an eye out for these but so far haven’t come across any legitimate cheat hacks (only ones that claim to give you free coins).

        1. We’ve been working around the clock to get the server restored – there have been several unforseen technical problems getting the server and database restored but we believe we are nearing completion. We hope to have service restored by this (Sunday) evening. Again, apologies for the outage. We’re currently in development of a new, more robust server architecture that will be replacing our current system.

          1. The Fields of Battle server is back up and running. Apologies for the downtime, we had a server failure and our recovery procedure took longer than expected due to the volume of data involved. We’re currently working on a new server architecture to eliminate these kinds of outages in the future.

  12. MMO FPS at its best with diehard fans in its paint plastered core. Paintball Battles have been taken to the next level and show no signs of letting the mud, muck and paint covered Battle Outfits and Arsenal Parts deter even the most loyal real world, real life paintballer from immersing themselves in this vivid, mind clutching, fast paced, UI and Gameplay Format and Layout that continues to grow on me and suck me back in every time I feel like I am becoming bored with it. Definitely have become a lifetime loyal fan of Greg Hastings and his extraordinary and ingenuitive thought and action taken from idea to blueprint to mass market derangement of bliss. Keep it alive and going.

  13. I cant log in …. it says no account under my email address … i havnt had time to play for a while but i did play alot when i did …

  14. Hiya I love the game but am unable to erify an email address to be entered into the leader boards for events. When I received the email I click the link to verify and there’s this error code. ERROR: No Magic (0 bytes input)?? Please help me.

    1. I just tested it and it is working, it sounds like possibly the URL got cut off in the verification email. Try to copy and paste the link, making sure you get the whole thing. It should look like:
      With the 10-letter code at the end being different. Make sure all 10 letters of your code are there. If you need to get the verification email resent, go into Settings->Account and click the pencil icon next to “VERIFIED: NO”.

  15. The game is so cooooooool once you start playing it makes you feel that you are in the game in real life playing paintball with other player it’s awesome I love it good job making this game😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

    1. I’m working on it, the beta is getting close. Sorry I can’t give you a firm date yet but it should be in the early part of the new year.

  16. My controller hasn’t been working for long time now, is there any plans for update in future it seems to be fine with other games just wondering if it can be fix or if you’re busy on your new game.

    1. Just so it makes sense what’s happening to me is I would aim and it would automatically aim out and when I lean I’m stuck leaning moving around same time with gyroscope and accelerometer turned of

      1. I have to apologize about that – yes I had to drop our official support for game controllers, the upkeep effort was taking too much time and the market for mobile game controllers never really took off. You’re correct, we’re focused on Fields of Battle 2 now.

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