110 Replies to “Fields of Battle 2 Coming Soon!

  1. Is Fields Of Battle 2 still coming to mobile?? It’s been a long time and I haven’t heard anything. Can’t wait to see it come out. Good job on the first one and I look forward to the next!!

        1. It is definitely coming out. The game is nearly finished, just taking much longer than expected to get everything into it that we wanted.

          1. Hey so when do you think would be a good general time frame for the game to be released

  2. I’ve been playing the first on mobile every time I get 5 minutes so I can do an event and I just got it for pc and see there’s a 2nd one coming out can I pls get a prediction or confirmation on when that game is coming out and is it going to be free like the first

      1. Seeing as it’s now the summer you were talking about is there a more specific date that FoB2 will be released?

          1. Thanks for the update. I can’t wait for it to release so I can get the chance to play it. Take your time and don’t rush it 👌

    1. Thanks, I’m glad you like it! Currently no plans for Fields of Battle 2 to be VR, it will likely be mobile-only. Greg Hastings Paintball 3 probably won’t have VR either, at least initially.

  3. Is there some way that we can transfer our weapons and coins and stuff to the new game. I have spent money on stuff and I don’t want it to just become obsolete.

    1. There won’t be a way to directly transfer gear and coins as Fields of Battle 2 is completely different in the way it handles both. We’ll look into adding some rewards though for existing players from the first Fields of Battle.

  4. Soo is there ANYTHING you can tell us about GHP 3?? Like how far along is it in development??? Is there any light whatsoever you can shed on it?? like an estimate on a possible release date? Or at least a beta test for it. I absolutely LOVE the previous games and I’m pretty anxious and eager to see and play the next console GHP game you guys release.

  5. When is the game gonna come out? Just wondering cause you made the post about Fields Of Battle 2 over a year ago. Just can’t wait to play it!!!

        1. Graphics will be realistic but a little bit stylized.
          Los gráficos serán realistas pero un poco estilizados.

        2. Graphics will be realistic but a little bit stylized. We have made several improvements since the last game.
          Los gráficos serán realistas pero un poco estilizados. Hemos realizado varias mejoras desde el último juego.

      1. I don’t have Facebook is there any other way to be a beta tester?

        And I jus love FoB and cant wait for the next one but also want u to take ur time on it so we all can make this the next fad like it deserves

    1. Yes! Fields of Battle 2 is completely built around live, online tournaments. We have a robust team management system designed that will go into the game shortly after launch and allow you to link up with your Facebook friends or other and create teams.

  6. Will there be official nxl layouts for the speedball fields and if so will they be updated along side the real life field layouts?

    1. Fields of Battle 2 is built around letting you create and manage your own fields so you’ll be able to replicate any layout you want, so I’m sure they will be in there!

  7. Please shed some light on a release date I’ve been playing FoB since it came out and i’m getting desperate for number 2! Can’t wait to see what markers and gear you guys choose to include! Hopefully we get some Planet Eclipse and Empire markers. I’m shooting the PE CS2 pro right now and damn this thing is smooth as butter! 🙂

    1. Hasn’t actually affected development since I work from home anyway. Trying to get FOB2 out as soon as possible.

    1. Sorry that I can’t give a release date yet but I am making progress on FOB2. I am having to do everything myself and there is a lot to do.

      1. Can you please give us an update on how far you r through the game, like just starting, halfway through, finishing touches? Take your time and make it good.

        1. Finishing touches. I had a major setback due to illness but I am back working on the game now. Hopefully within a couple months I will have the game out for beta test. There are so many cool things I want to improve with the game but I am trying to get just the initial core game finished and solid and we will keep updating it after launch.

    1. FOB2 will be mobile touch-screen only, no VR. Might bring back gamepad support but that seems to have died on mobile so not sure if it is worth the effort.

  8. If it’s still on the cards I want to know if you could make the multiplayer portion of GHP3 freemium. Because I doubt that a ton of people would be willing to spend money on a game this far off track without having played it first. Online is really important to me and it’s a big reason why I was excited for the game clear back when you were doing devlogs on social paintball, so I would hate for it to be dead on arrival.

  9. Would actually be nice if you implemented controller support for FOB2. There are still alot of gamepad players. Beside, this also allows us to stream the game to TV using chromecast, and then control with a gamepad. Found FOB1 difficult to aim and fire with semi/pump markers with touchscreen.

  10. Also could you give us a little sneak peek into FOB2? Will we be able to customize our markers, adjust rate of fire etc? Will it like FOB1 be you vs AI or will this be player vs player? Also will we need to reload our markers air? Can we as in the console versions cheat and call out?

    1. The big focus on FOB2 is on players creating and managing their own parks and fields, so don’t expect a lot more on other areas like marker customization, at least at launch. Oh and the other big focus on FOB2 is full PvP multiplayer. I put a lot of effort into a high-performance low-level networking system so we can have big games with lots of players on various devices.

  11. Why Wild Earth is not on Steam ? Or Steam VR even ?
    Even though it has been a long time it would be nice to see it immortalized there and once again available for purchase/play . It aged quite nicely and still looks pretty , I played the demo and everything worked on windows 10 except the crash when trying to switch to higher resolutions . Any plans for this in the future ? It would probably need some compatibility update and nothing more .
    (or maybe even a sequel 😛 ?)

    1. Thank you! Yes, I do have some ideas on bringing Wild Earth back, possibly next after finishing Fields of Battle 2.

  12. When is Field of battle 2 coming out I had a dream about the first one when I used to play it like 3 years ago and downloaded it again and saw there was going to be a second I would really love to see a release date on it because it’s been like 3 years or so like I mean that a while I know y’all are probably really busy and stuff but I would be nice to find a answer to this

    1. Sorry that I haven’t been able to give a release date, the project got delayed due to multiple health issues. Still in the works and close to finished.

      1. It’s okay I understand with covid I am sure it is hard I hope things will get better with the Heath but thanks for the response I just wanted to see if it was given up on or not but now I have my answer thanks

      2. Hey also how much is close to finished like a couple months, a year, one month like what would you say if you had an idea

  13. How much is close to finish like a month, a year, a week if you had an idea it’s okay if not I understand

  14. Been waiting for years now and it still hasn’t released… kind of a bummer. Any idea when the game will release?

    1. Yes, I am working on Fields of Battle 2 as we speak. The plans for GHP3 on console have changed, Greg will be making announcements on that through his pages.

        1. Yes it has been in development for about that long. Working on the finishing touches now, should have it out in just a couple months.

    1. When is this coming out???? It’s been way too long and delays. Can you give me an estimate release date?

      1. I’m working on the tutorial right now which is the last item before we release the beta, hopefully by the end of August.

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