Fields of Battle 2 BETA is LIVE!

THE FIELDS OF BATTLE 2 BETA IS HERE! Mobile multiplayer paintball at your fingertips:

Apple iOS:


Beta feedback to:

I know you’ve all been waiting a looong time for this, but it’s really here. You can install and play it today- build your own field, play head-to-head field challenges, and play in live 7v7 multiplayer tournaments.

This is an open beta, so feel free to share the links with friends!

16 Replies to “Fields of Battle 2 BETA is LIVE!

    1. There is a PC/console Greg Hastings Paintball game in the works, but we (Super X Studios) are no longer developing it. Go to for all the official news on other titles in the franchise.

        1. We plan on Fields of Battle 2 being active with updates for a long time, and don’t have any announced plans at the moment for other games.

  1. We don’t have plans to bring FOB2 to PC at the moment. The PC VR release of FOB1 was not very well received, for whatever reason. And especially now, FOB2 has been designed from the ground up as a mobile game and I don’t think it would translate well to a PC game without significant work.

    1. We’ve made a lot of improvements and fixes during the beta, and right now are just waiting for final approval from Apple before we can officially launch the game. We already have the first major update ready to go as soon as that happens which will add several new features which I think people will like.

      If you have any feedback, please let us know at! Would love to hear it.

  2. It says I took first place in Friday night fights mobile tournament and never received an email saying I won anything or will receive prizes. How does this work? Their Facebook page doesn’t have anything about it either..

    1. The Friday Night Fights on Fields of Battle no longer have any prizes, that was done for the first few years but the game is quite old now. We just released Fields of Battle 2 which has daily and monthly tournaments that you may want to check out.

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