Fields of Battle is out on iOS

Fields of Battle
It’s been a busy summer, and Fields of Battle is out for all iPhones, iPads, and iPods now! The response has been spectacular, over a MILLION downloads in just a few weeks, and a solid 4 1/2 star rating (out of 5) for the current version. Lots more features coming soon, including chat, team building, social integration, and of course ANDROID.

Check it out for FREE on iTunes at:″

17 Replies to “Fields of Battle is out on iOS

    1. Currently you can only get gold coins by purchasing them, however we are looking at other ways for players to earn gold coins and welcome your feedback. Free-to-play is a new gaming model for us so apologies if things are a little rough around the edges on our first try!

  1. If you need more silver coins you can either purchase them in the store or create a new account. We’re looking at a better solution for this.

    1. You can redeem your gold coins for gear and outfits in the Gear and Outfit tabs. Some gear is purchased with silver coins, some with gold coins. Gear and outfits are unlocked as you advance in level, and you can see how close you are to the next level in the main menu by the numbers under the LEVEL indicator. The first number is your current XP (experience) and the second number is the amount of XP you need to reach the next level. You get 1 XP for each elimination, plus bonuses for bonus multipliers.

      1. No, I’m sorry. I mean where on this page I can redeem my free coins. Greg gave me a card that has a code for free coins. It says go to to redeem the coins. So where do I go and put the code for the coins?

  2. No, I’m sorry. I mean where on this page I can redeem my free coins. Greg gave me a card that has a code for free coins. It says go to to redeem the coins. So where do I go and put the code for the coins?

    1. Hmm, sounds like a problem with the Google Play store or perhaps with your Google Play account. You should check that you are on a good connection (wifi is better but 3G/4G should work too) and make sure you are able to log into the Google Play app with your Google account and download apps.

  3. Add more markers and masks to the game! I use a luxe in paintball and wear dye i4s so I want to deck out my character on how I look in real life! Would be extremely kickass and I’d be more than happy to buy this game for top dollar! ($20)

  4. Great game! I was think of a good idea that I want to share with you guys! A torment series. So their will be 4 divisions pro, d1 d2 d3. There will be 5 events. Mon-we’d practice on field layout. Thu-fri prelims sat semifinals sun finals. Pro division will have ten teams d1 15 d2 20 d3 open. The scores will be by how many kills the person gets no respawns. And the score will be counted. The kills will be added up with wins points scored and given up to see if they move on.

  5. Hi – I can’t recover my old account. I believe previously I could login with my Google account, but it looks like that’s no longer an option. Can you please assist?

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